I may be accused of being partial, (and I'd have to plead, "GUILTY!!!, Your Honor, Guilty as Sin!"), but this is a great business! So take me away if you must, but until you do I'm going to keep plugging away. After all, I get to do what I love and make money at the same time! Not bad…
She's doing what she loves and she has helped a bunch of other people do the same. All while making a very nice income… Oh, did I mention that, in addition to that, she was highlighted at the convention I just attended, AND received a very nice $10,000 check from SU in recognition of her achievement?
Do I have to sell a MILLION BUCKS? Actually, did she? Well yes, that was her personal sales figure so far. Beyond that, she has a group of demonstrators in her business and they all have sales which add to her income.
Do I have to sell a million bucks? No. Well, not this year anyway, (lol), but I will eventually. In the meantime, can I still make a great income? You bet! Can you? You bet!! And it really depends on what YOU want. If you want to make an extra few hundred bucks a month to supplement the family, fantastic! If you want to make enough to replace your job, fantastic!
That's what I love about this business… I can decide what I need/want from it. So can you. I'm here to support whatever you decide. Want more information? You can go here to read all about it, or you can just email me or call me.