Business Stampers Group! Free Business Coaching???

Many of you know that I have been coaching with John Sanpietro for the past couple of years.  He has been working for some time now to set up the Business Stampers Group and it is being rolled out today! 

The Business Stampers Group is for any demonstrator who wants to have a profitable, (or more profitable…), business.  It will be a place for a community of like-minded people to come together in a positive environment to receive coaching at a much lower cost and to provide support to one another.

This next item is particularly exciting to me.  John has also included a way where the program can pay for itself each month, (Woo Hoo! Free coaching)!!  It could even become a new profit center in your business if you wanted it to!  John has included an "affiliate program" as part of the BSG for anyone who is interested in a new revenue stream.

I know what John's coaching has done for me and my business and I have to say that this is just a terrific value.  Check it out!

Rather than me explaining it here, I suggest that you go right now to the BSG site where John explains it all very well in a short video.  Business Stampers Group    Enjoy! 


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