I know that here in the DFW area, many schools are closed for Spring Break and kids are home saying…"I'm bored, what can I do?" I wanted to share some easy ideas for those "goin' stir crazy" afternoons!
Apple Prints ( found this on craftbits.com) Many kids love apples, so this is an item easy to grab from the pantry or frig!
First, cut your apples as straight and flat as
possible. If they are not flat, paint will not show up on the paper in
certain spots.
Next, get your paint ready. Pour one color of paint onto the paper
plate. Take a craft stick and put it in the top end of the apple to give your
stamp a handle. Then dip in paint, and stamp. You may need to rock the
apple back and forth to make sure all sides are covered
St. Patty's Day Placemat (I found this on Amazing Moms)
You will need some green, orange and white construction or Card Stock,
scissors, and tape or glue stick (optional)
Take your green paper; it will be the base color.
Fold it in half and cut lines that are about an inch apart – do NOT cut all of the way through. Open the paper.
Cut strips of paper
about one inch wide using the other two colors; then weave the strips through the cut paper - over under,under and over, over under until it is complete.
If you like, add a touch of glue with a glue stick to secure the end of the strips.
All About Me Books (I came up with this one!)
Take some sheets of Card Stock or Construction Paper in your child's favorite colors and fold around some blank pieces of printer paper. Staple together to make a book. Tape a picture of your child to the front and help them write All About Me on the front cover (an older child might not need any help!) Then get out crayons, markers or colored pencils and let their imaginations go wild. Older children might enjoy doing this with a sibling or friend!
Feel free to leave a comment with your favorite "spring break" ideas!