Watercolor Wash Technique

My customers have been asking me for new techniques to try with their Watercolor Crayons…this one is easy and produces great results!

Watercolor Wash

Artistic, soft backgrounds are a breeze with this watercolor technique.
Supplies you'll need
  • Watercolor Brush
  • Dye Re-inker
  • Watercolor Paper
  • Palette
  • Water Misting Bottle
  • Stamps
  • Waterproof Ink
  • Watercolor Crayons or other coloring mediums
  • Adhesive


  1. Step 1

    Add a drop of re-inker to the palette.
    Add another drop in a second compartment if a gradated wash is desired.

  2. Step 2

    Add water to the re-inker. Add more water to one than the other, and mix.

  3. Step 3

    Spray watercolor paper with a water misting bottle to dampen the paper. This will help the colors spread and blend.

  4. Step 4

    Wet a watercolor brush. Dip in the darker re-inker solution.

  5. Step 5

    Apply ink wash from one side of the watercolor to the other with a single stroke.

  6. Step 6

    Dip watercolor brush in re-inker solution and add a second stroke underneath the first. Make sure the brush strokes overlap.

  7. Continue adding color.

  8. Step 7

    Repeat until the entire watercolor paper is covered. Let dry.

    For a gradated wash, use the darker
    mixture for the first half of the paper, then continue with the lighter
    color. Last go over the upper part with just a wet brush to get the
    lightest color for the bottom of the paper.

  9. Step 8

    Stamp your main image.

    Here,  Real Red, Pink Passion and Always Artichoke Watercolor Crayons were used with the "wet watercolor technique".

  10. Step 9

    Over-stamp with an outline stamp and add greeting of your choice.

  11. Step 10

    Add shading with the re-inker mixes and a smaller watercolor brush and embellish as desired.Colorwashsample


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