My customers eagerly await my Black Friday/Cyber Monday offer each year and this year will be no different. I have a fantastic bundle to share with you! But first, I have two questions to ask.
- Do you often feel like you buy a lot of stamping products but never quite get around to using them?
- Have you wanted to try some new stamping techniques but not sure where to start?
If the answer to those questions is yes, you'll definitely want to consider my 2021 special. It will solve both of the above challenges.
This year's Black Friday/Cyber Monday offering includes 3 of the most popular Stamp Maven Video Technique Classes AND The Dandy Garden Mega Tutorial PDF Bundle for a 50% discount!

Your bundle also includes PDF tutorials (with step by step instructions and photos) for all of the video technique classes! Don't have the supplies I use in class? NO PROBLEM! Simply substitute in what you already own!
The Black Friday/Cyber Monday price for these three video technique classes, PDF Tutorials for each class, plus the MEGA Dandy Garden Tutorial Bundle would normally be $126.00.
The one-time special Black Friday Price is only $49.99! That's a 60 percent discount!
My Black Friday/Cyber Monday offer isn't available yet – not until Friday. I'll announce it here on the blog when my offer goes “live”.
I hope you are as excited as I am!