Many Benefits To Scrapbooking

I love to share great articles that I find. If you are a novice in the scrapbooking vortex or a seasoned scrapper, I think you will enjoy this article by Carole DeJarnatt!

The scrapbooking hobby has been around for a long time and people do it
for a variety of reasons. If you are an outsider to the world of
scrapbooking, then you will not understand until you experience the
craft the many reasons a person invests so much time and energy into a
scrapbook page.

When I was first introduced to scrapbooking via my church family, I told
them I had neither time nor energy to invest in creating pages of
photos matched up with paper and cute little embellishments. I thought
those people were crazy staying up all hours of the evening, dragging
around tons of supplies, just to sit and create scrapbook pages. One
evening I was invited to a scrapbook night and I agreed to come with the
intent of visiting and watching. No scrapbooking for me. I was a
business professional who could not imagine investing time or energy
into something I felt was for stay-at-home moms or those who had nothing
better to do.

Little did I know I was about to change my mind and attitude…during the
evening of socializing and viewing all the pages of creation, something
changed in me. One person in particular needed help with color
coordinating and matting her photos. I started working with her and
ended up finishing her page for her. The scrapbooking bug bit me and it
bit hard! The very next day I was out buying all the essential tools to
create my very own pages of photos.

What is it about scrapbooking that captures so many people's devotion and attention?

  1. Focus–You
    lose your focus on everything except for the scrapbook page you are
    working on. You forget the world exist for a few moments and you focus
    on nothing but what is in front of you.
  2. Creativity–All it takes is a sheet of paper and a few ideas
    to get your creative juices going. Whether the ideas are from a
    magazine, your surroundings, or the scrapbook paper held in your hand;
    the end result is pure enjoyment.
  3. History–When I think of a scrapbook, to me it is the history
    of the day, moment, or event. The page was created for future
    generations to learn of their family.
  4. Expressing myself–The scrapbook is made by someone and that
    in itself is a source of pride and joy. The feeling you get from
    completing, giving, or sharing your scrapbooks is indescribable.
  5. Giving–When working on a scrapbook layout, you are giving
    your thoughts, feelings, and memories to an event to share with others.
    The joy you feel when others express pleasure and enjoyment from your
    work is worth all the time and energy.

Scrapbooking has become so sophisticated you do not even need to leave
the comfort of your home to get started. If you are experienced with
computer programs such as Photoshop Elements, your tools are at the tips
of your hands. If you prefer traditional scrapbooking, you still have
the ability to order supplies and tools at the comfort of your home and
within days you will be completing your own scrapbook.

People today have a variety of reasons for making their own scrapbooks
and/or creating creations of beauty with their supplies. The majority of
my experience has been to create something to share with future
generations. People want to be remembered and through a scrapbook their
lives are shared.

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About the Author

Carole DeJarnatt began her love with paper but now also designs digitally for the future generations of her family. Visit for ideas, supplies, and learning guides. From beginner to expert, traditional scrapbooker to digital, the resources are available at to find what you need to create your own scrapbook or gifts for your friends and family.


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