Mother’s Day

So here was Anne's Mother's Day…

It started with breakfast & some shopping with Ashley followed by some Mother's Day stamping & card making.  We had the Players' Championship on the tube and switched back and forth between it and the Rangers game.  They weren't able to find one of those brie cheese things at the store, so Ashley bought some ingredients and made her own version of Brie en Croute (with apricot jam!).

Mother's Day Stamping

Later, we were off to Josh's house where he made a great dinner.  There were carnitas tacos, beans ala charra, guacamole, and other goodies – and all from scratch!!  (Not to mention the brownies & vanilla ice cream.)  Great stuff.

All topped off with some crazy puppies in the back yard and some crazier people on the trampoline.  Gee and her grandbabies that is…

Trampoline craziness

Couldn't have been better.  Thanks Kids!!  Ya done good!


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