Monday Morning Inspiration…Pass It On

Hey stampers! Are you ready for a great week? I sure am! I feel like I accomplished a lot over this past weekend and am ready to hit the ground running today! I like providing some Monday Morning Inspiration to my co-workers so I thought I'd share today's with y'all!

monday morning inspiration
Inspirational quote by unknown source on blue grunge background

Such a simple idea, yet so powerful! We never know what someone might be facing or what kind of weekend they just had. If we can bring a smile to those around us, if only for today, how awesome is that!  Maybe leave a little note of encouragement in your kid's lunchbox or your spouse's briefcase or purse. How about inviting a friend to lunch? Sending a quick “I love you” text doesn't take any time at all but can make a world of difference.

How can YOU be the reason someone smiles today and receives some Monday morning inspiration…pass it on!

Make it a great day everyone!


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