Stress Free Holidays Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of Stress Free Holidays! If you missed the first part on Monday, click here.

Stress Free Holidays Part 2

None of us want to look like this sweet lady! I know I can easily get caught up in the holiday “hustle and bustle” so these tips are a great reminder for me, too!

Part 2 tips, 6-10:

Tip #6: Remember what the holidays are really about – spending time with family and friends! Perhaps you might start a new tradition of volunteering at a local food bank or soup kitchen with  family members. Most of us are blessed with so much and when we can do things to serve and cheer others, we are the ones who really benefit!

Tip #7: This tip is actually a way to “de-stress” someone else's holiday. Most of us know a young mom who might enjoy shopping (or maybe even a warm bath with a good book!) without the kids. Why not give her a call and offer complimentary kid sitting services?

Tip #8: Take care of YOU! Most of us wear ourselves out bustling around, giving to others. We forget that if we aren't feeling well physically and mentally that can truly affect those around us in a less than positive way. Make it a priority to give yourself some “down time”!

Tip #9: Ask for help! You don't have to be Martha Stewart OR Martha of Mary and Martha in the Bible. Delegate! You don't have to cook everything and make your home spotless all on your own!

Tip #10: GRATITUDE! Especially at this time of the year, we should spend more time counting our blessings, remembering what we have instead of worrying about what we don't. Instead of “Keeping up with the Jones's,” take a minute to appreciate the simple joys of love, family, friends, good health, etc.

I hope my tips gave you some good suggestions and, perhaps brought a smile or two as you read through the list! If there is anything I can do to help you have a stress free holiday, please give me a shout!



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