NOT Happy It’s Monday!

Have you ever had a weekend that was so much fun you just didn't want it to end? Think of the movie Groundhog Day!

That surely was mine this past weekend. I was able to go on a crafting retreat with several good friends and I am quite sure we are all NOT happy it's Monday! We usually go twice a year but, due to Covid19, we had missed our April time so we were very ready to get away.

We are a small group and we all have our own tables and have plenty of hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes. One of our friends recently lost her husband quite unexpectedly so this was a great time for us to shower her with love and companionship.

Here's a little peek of how I looked most of the weekend:

I did get quite a few projects done and you'll see some of them here on the blog in days to come! I also worked quite a bit on my upcoming Kitchen Sink Cardmaking Class. I am partnering with my dear friend Chris, The Village Artiot, purveyor of Vintage Ephemera. After class, everyone who has registered will be mailed a little kit of treasures put together by Chris. You can use these items to create your first “kitchen sink” card.

This is a brand new class, month 5 in my “Teach Me” Techniques Series. If you want to check it out, click HERE. I usually teach live on Facebook, but for this class only, I'm also offering a recorded You Tube option. Hope you will join in!


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