Shelli On You Tube

Check out SU Founder and CEO, Shelli Gardner as she shares her love of creativity and all of the many offerings available with Stampin' Up! You probably know us for our rubber stamps and scrapbooking supplies but we've branched out into sewing, digital card making,  scrapbooking and so much more!  

Not Another Job…!!

I'm always looking around for new ideas and new ways to do things in my paper crafting. I ran across an article on scrapbooking, by Monna Ellithorpe, that I thought was interesting.  Monna included a number of common sense tips that can save a lot of time and energy by just having a few things …

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Simple Is Just As Beautiful

I have customers from time to time who say, "I'm just not creative…" or "Gosh, look at the work that So-And-So does. Her cards are always so _____ (you fill in the blank), compared to mine." I can identify pretty readily with those people because I often felt that way myself when I was just …

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